Consider the following tips:
1. Choose your credit card wisely. There are many business credit card offers on the market and if you’re not careful, you may end up with a high-rate and unreasonable terms. So do your research to find the card that suits you.
2. One business credit card will do. Don’t feel tempted to acquire more credit than you can handle. Just like with a personal credit, owning too many business credit cards can impact your credit negatively.
3. Use business credit cards for official business expenses only. See to it that you only use your business credit card for business expenses.
4. Check your account summary regularly. Look for unauthorized charges, and keep your bookkeeper updated with your latest charges.
5. Take advantage of your business credit card rewards. Choose a business credit card with a rewards program that will best fit your business. If you frequently travel to promote your company, a business credit card with Frequent Flyer Miles program or perhaps a Gas Reward business credit card will help you save on your traveling expenses. If you make a lot of business purchases, a Cash-back or Cash-Rebate business credit card is perfect for you.
6. Use your business credit card with discretion. They are not all the same and so you should have a list of MUST HAVE features in mind before you apply..
7. Choose a business credit card that reports to business credit tracking companies. It’s important that your business credit card issuer reports to business credit reporting agencies such as Dun & Bradstreet, Experian, Business Credit
8. Implement an employee business credit card program. Most credit issuers provide extra employee cards for free. These cards will help you control and keep track of your employee’s spending.
9. Don’t take out cash advances. Just like with your personal credit card, business credit cards also charge high rates from cash advances. Use your business credit card only to make purchases or payments.
10. Find a business credit card with ample grace period. Make sure that your business credit card gives you a sufficient grace period before charging you interest payments. This will buy you enough time to pay back your bills without incurring additional interest.